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Fixture Results: Mens 2nd7-8 (2025 BFIN) - CBT002 vs GLE002 (2025-02-25)

CBT002 vs GLE002
 White, SeanNSF2516865  1900 
 Verhage, BlaineNSF3119111111  3331 
 Mornet, Pierre - externalNSF5421338  1400 
 Verhage, CuanNSF2825111111  3331 
 Vrey, ArnoNSF38988121211 4331 
 Kleynhans, PierreNSF38751110103 3410 
 van Vollenstee, VincentNSF0741989  2600 
 Render, RubenNSF5912111111  3331 
 Sub Totals 10231133103 
 Win Bonus   3  
 Total 3 13  

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