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Fixture Results: Ladies res (2016) - ADEL01 vs IREL01 (2016-02-17)

ADEL01 vs IREL01
 Smit, RietteNSF069012812  3200 
 McLachlan, LouiseNSF3031151515  4531 
 Mynhardt, GrethaNSF07718912  2900 
 Browne, JudyNSF0208151515  4531 
 Vorster, EngelaNSF209111111511 4810 
 Kjonstad, KristyNSF275515151315 5831 
 Van den Berg, ChristaNSF0708151515  4531 
 Pretorius, JuaniNSF0351000  000 
 Sub Totals 1544114893 
 Win Bonus   3  
 Total 4 12  

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