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Fixture Results: Ladies res (2016) - TUKL03 vs IREL01 (2016-07-27)

TUKL03 vs IREL01
 Janse van Rensburg, MonicaNSF33641515813156631 
 Pretorius, JuaniNSF0351119151595920 
 Jensen, DanielaNSF4158151515805320 
 McLachlan, LouiseNSF303110171315157031 
 Surtees, CheriseNSF4187841510 3710 
 Burger, JohanniNSF29991515715 5231 
 Helberg, Anna-MarieNSF3671151914676120 
 Browne, JudyNSF020810171615157331 
 Sub Totals 21781254113 
 Win Bonus   3  
 Total 8 14  

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