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Fixture Results: Ladies res (2016) - IREL01 vs UITL03 (2016-08-10)

IREL01 vs UITL03
 Naudé, CaitlinNSF1909141512  4100 
 Hunt, KarlaNSF0210161715  4831 
 Browne, JudyNSF0208151515  4531 
 Hunt, KayleeNSF4207623  1100 
 Pretorius, JuaniNSF0351151515  4531 
 Webster, ValmeNSF40141047  2100 
 Dreyer, ThanaNSF4155151515  4531 
 no show000  000 
 Sub Totals 176938031 
 Win Bonus 3    
 Penalty Points   -2  
 Total 12 1  
Penalties for UITL03
 No Show2 

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