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Fixture Results: Ladies res (2016) - UITL03 vs ADEL01 (2016-06-01)

UITL03 vs ADEL01
 Hunt, KarlaNSF0210111587 4110 
 van der Merwe, CorniNSF293315101515 5531 
 Hunt, KayleeNSF4207151515  4531 
 Smit, RietteNSF0690774  1800 
 Webster, ValmeNSF4014152115  5131 
 Mynhardt, GrethaNSF0771121911  4200 
 Siegrist, LouiseNSF0230151515  4531 
 Vorster, EngelaNSF20918117  2600 
 Sub Totals 18210314131 
 Win Bonus 3    
 Total 13 3  

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