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Fixture Results: Mens 5th - PVR002 vs TUK003 (2024-07-25)

PVR002 vs TUK003
 van Tonder, JeanNSF390391013  3200 
 Klebe, EthanNSF6871151515  4531 
 Strydom, JPNSF4044151515  4531 
 De Sousa, DinoNSF43049117  2700 
 Vellema, SjoukeNSF592114151515 5931 
 Hercules, AntonioNSF539316987 4010 
 no show000  000 
 Craig, JanaNSF4870151515  4531 
 Sub Totals 1366215772 
 Win Bonus   2  
 Penalty Points -4 -1  
 Total 2 8  
Penalties for PVR002
 No Show (No Name)2 
 No Show (No Score)2 
Penalties for TUK003
 No / Expired M&R1 

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