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Fixture Results: Mens 8th - GLE008 vs KEN003 (2024-08-13)

GLE008 vs KEN003
 Botha, HendrikNSF6404151515  4531 
 van Niekerk, JannieNSF165210118  2900 
 Goosen, MichielNSF17101115127 4510 
 Rowlands, VaughnNSF560615121515 5731 
 Grant, WayneNSF658415151511157131 
 Boshoff, MareliseNSF1733517615125520 
 Wiese, MariusNSF2184169109 4410 
 Roos, DawieNSF182214151515 5931 
 Sub Totals 2058220082 
 Win Bonus 2    
 Penalty Points -1 -1  
 Total 9 7  
Penalties for GLE008
 No / Expired M&R1 
Penalties for KEN003
 No / Expired M&R1 

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