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Fixture Results: Mens 2nd b (2025 Blitz) - IRE001 vs TUK002 (2025-02-13)

IRE001 vs TUK002
 Simbule, Ray - externalNSF1593111166 3410 
 Chapman, GaryNSF69491371111 4231 
 Howarth, RobertNSF4080111111  3331 
 Thompson, DylanNSF6408333  900 
 Wilkinson, TrevorNSF0170811107 3610 
 Reynars, BraydenNSF69521191211 4331 
 Lalla, ShahinNSF2455111111  3331 
 Louw, StiaanNSF3114930  1200 
 Sub Totals 1368210662 
 Win Bonus 2    
 Total 10 6  

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