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Fixture Results: Mens 2nd b (2025 Blitz) - IRE001 vs CBT002 (2025-02-17)

IRE001 vs CBT002
 Howarth, RobertNSF4080111111  3331 
 White, SeanNSF2516653  1400 
 Simbule, Ray - externalNSF1593111111  3331 
 Mornet, Pierre - externalNSF5421234  900 
 Wilkinson, TrevorNSF0170111111  3331 
 Vrey, ArnoNSF3898578  2000 
 Singh, SathveerNSF3560911119115131 
 van Vollenstee, VincentNSF074111521173620 
 Sub Totals 1501247920 
 Win Bonus 4    
 Total 16 2  

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